We offer a wide range of legal services to the North York community. We tailor our practice to meet the unique needs of our clients through dedication, innovation, and creativity. Our goal is to strategically guide our clients through the challenges and uncertainties of the legal process, drawing upon our collective experience and resources.
Real Estate Law
Purchase and Sale Transactions
Pre-Construction Homes and Condos
Review of Builder Agreements
Review of Status Certificate
Drafting Agreement of Purchase and Sale
Title Insurance
Mortgages, Private Mortgages, and Refinancing
Review of Commercial Lease Agreements
Civil Litigation
Small Claims
Demand letters
Residential Landlord and Tenant Disputes
Family Law
Marriage Contracts & Cohabitation Agreements
Separation Agreements
Spousal Support
Custody and Access
Equalization payments
Matrimonial home considerations
Opinion Letters
Travel consent letters
Corporate Law
Corporate set-up and Minute Books
Shareholder Agreements
Share Transfer/Purchase Agreements
Sale of Business
Wills & Estates
Basic and Corporate Wills
Powers of Attorney for Property
Powers of Attorney for Personal Care
Uncontested Guardianship Applications
Probate applications (applications for Certificate of Appointment of Estate Trustee With a Will or Without a Will)
Passing of accounts
Skilled Worker
Provincial Nominee Programs
Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA)
Work Permit
Family sponsorship
Temporary Resident Visa
Visitor Record
Study Permit
PR Cards
Immigration Appeal Division (IAD) Hearings
Inadmissibility Hearings